Well Accessories
Debe's winter fittings are perfect for preventing the water pipe from freezing in winter.
Debe's winter connection is to avoid freezing the water pipe in the well. By turning the knob, the part of the hose that is at risk of freezing is emptied. Debe's winter clutch comes in a variety of variants and sizes.
PE Pipes
Cable Sensor
Cotton Wool Pipe Coupling
Pressure Guage
Safety Valve
Debe Sealing Sleeves
Debe's sealing sleeves are used to prevent contaminated surface water from entering the well.
Drill Bit
Debe's aluminum drill top fits most boreholes.
Simple Adapter
Debe simple adapters come in a variety of sizes.
Cover Plate
Debes cover plate for deep well pumps.
For casing:
Mini Pump Housing
Thermally insulated pump housing that takes up minimal space.
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