Iron and Manganese Filters
A filtration system to remove iron and manganese as well as increase pH values.
Debes FENC filter purifies the water free of iron and manganese.
Debe is now launching a completely new filter series in composite intended for use in all types of water systems. The filter is of the model "Plug and Play", an excellent filter that will provide the household with water of the highest quality. Available both with potassium permanganate supply and without. The FENC filters are available in two versions where FENC-A uses potassium permanganate while FENC-B uses birch pulp.
Produktblad FENC 28-56A Produktblad FENC 28-56B
Installations- och bruksanvisning FENC 28-56A Installations- och bruksanvisning FENC 28-56B
Eco Fe
B 10-15
Debes B 10-15 filters purify the water free of iron and manganese.
K 10-15
Debes K 10-15 filters purify the water free of iron and manganese.
Eco Fe GF 10-20
ECO Fe GF purifies the water naturally, without chemicals!
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